Saturday 27 April 2013

How To Make a Fabric Yo-Yo

  • Fabric – It is best to use a lighter weight fabric for the fabric yo‐yos as it will be easier to make a tighter yo‐yo. 
  • Thread – It is best to use quilting thread or button hole thread because it is strong and it will not break when pulling the yo‐yo closed. It is possible to double up on regular sewing thread to make it stronger. 
  • Cardboard or thick paper for circle template
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
1. Trace a circle, the size of you choice onto a piece of paper. You can glue these circles on a more durable surface like Bristol board or cardboard from a cereal box, and then cut them out again. This is helpful if you want reuse the circles to make more fabric yo-yos. Use the circles to trace a circle on your fabric. You can also use household items such as a cup or plate to trace the circle.
2. Cut out the circle
3. Fold the fabric over about 1/4 inch.
4. Use a thread about 30cms long. Thread the needle then tie a knot at the other end. Start folding the seam (about a 1/4 inch) on the fabric circle you have cut out and insert the needle through the two layers of fabric. You can then use a running stitch keeping the stitches about half an inch apart. Please see the pictures below. 

5. Once you have almost stitched around the whole circle, make sure you leave enough space so that you can finish by inserting the needle almost directly on the starting knot. Please see the picture below.

6. To close the fabric yo‐yo tightly, you can go over the first stitch as outlined in the pictures and diagram below.

7. To finish, pull on the thread so that the seam bunches together forming a small circle. Then, insert the needle at the base of one of the folds as seen in the picture below. Then, tie 2 slip knots just below one of the folds, so that the knot will be hidden.

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